
Welcome to Girl In Blue London!

My name is Uma. I'm an accountant by day and a blogger by night. I started this blog to help other aspiring professionals like yourself find a way to be healthy, happy and get the most out of daily life.

Being healthy and happy isn't easy. It takes effort and discipline to create routines and find things you love doing.

I'm on a mission to live healthier, find workouts I love and to solve the meal prep puzzle. (I hate cooking so I am always on the lookout for super quick healthy recipes).

I'm a firm believer that if you love the way something makes you feel you will find it ten times easier to stick to! This includes anything be it a training routine, a diet plan or even beauty regimes.

I want a LOT of things lately: washboard abs, clear skin, endless energy, a purposeful life and never ending bank balance to name a few!

Some days what I want feels like it's a million miles away from my reality and then I get frustrated. I want the instant results without the hard work that comes between. I've learned lately that you can have those big goals that you dream of but it's the smaller tangible stepping stones on the journey that are more powerful.

The biggest thing I've learned over the last 6 months is to just START! Try one thing, then another and another and....little by little you will already be on your way to the new life you want. It's not totally simple but it is totally possible for EVERYONE.  You put a smile on your face and you tell yourself "I've got this!".

When someone tells me "But I'm too old, too unfit, too inactive < insert excuse > - I tell them is it's only you telling yourself that and it's internal chatter that you can absolutely change.

Take for example getting a flat tummy, it's more than simply appearance - your core is connected to that flat tummy and your core connects to your whole body. This means mindlessly doing crunches 1000 times a day will not help! You need to look at food you put in and the full body exercise you do.  For me the first mini goal here was to drink more water to flush out toxins and to drastically cut down snacking (or in my case inhaling milky way stars cinema-size bags). Water is now firmly a routine in my life whereas snacking is a little more ingrained & proving stubborn to fix. I'm getting there and I will take you along on my journey. I’m learning every day.

Through my blog I hope to inspire you and show you that you can have time for all the things you want in life. It's about coming up with simple routines and putting your focus on the small things that add up.

If there's anything you would like to know more or have any questions please get in touch with me through the subscription box and I will be happy to help you on your journey.

We all have bad days and that's ok but never let a bad day turn into a bad week. Remember you are not alone in the pursuit of a better life. It's about learning and getting good advice that you can use as a foundation to build onto.

I hope you enjoy reading my blog and I'd love to hear from you! Don't forget to subscribe to my blog!

“I am not what I think I am, I am not what you think I am....
I am what I think you think I am”

— Charles Cooley