April 2022 Tending List

 And just like that; the first quarter of 2022 is complete. Hello new month, new quarter and new beginning.

I love the feeling of a fresh start and having a new month AND a new quarter feels good! April is one of my favourite months of the year.

The weather is also starting the change and with the daylight hours/clock change the lighter daylight hours is already making a huge difference in my mind. Spring is on the way!!

With that in mind here are my April action items on my tending list:


Monthly Action Items:

Start cardboard box declutter – I’ve bought a lot of items over the past year that have come in large boxes, some of which are unnecessary but anyway. I’m focusing on binning them and creating space in the flat.

Start reading the Artist’s Way – I’ve carried this over from March because I didn’t focus on it at all. That’s ok because sometimes life gets busy and goals change. This month I’m changing this action step to read one tip and then implementing just that one tip from the Artist’s Way. Smaller is definitely better when it comes to reading practical books.

Create a sleep routine – the one thing that went out the window during the pandemic was my sleeping routine. I’m keen to get this sorted so that I aim for between 6 and 8 hours sleep and wake up at a semi-respectable hour in the day!

Game night/ day out/ park walk – these are all ideas of things I can do to spend time with Jay and also family. It’s more to get me doing different things than eating dinner and to help create lots of memories and capture them in a photo album.

April Savings transfer – this is my routine savings pot transfer to help grow my long term savings.

Create a mini savings tracker – this feeds into both my savings and my finance check-in habit. I want to make saving fun and be able to visibly see the progress I’m making no matter how small I feel it might be.

Increase visibility via stories and personal posts – This is one of my business goals. I haven’t quite figured out how to mix my business goals and personal goals into my powersheets so this is a work in progress.

Set business goals – Connected to the action step above I’m exploring setting up business goals and adding them into my powersheets prep time. We shall see how this goes!

Enjoy my birthday & create memories – I turn 35 this year and it feels like such a huge milestone. I want to be present and create happy memories.

Onine Gong Bath session -  I used to go for Gong Bath sound sessions when I worked in the office and I miss them. The closest I can get to this at present is virtual classes so I am going to go and do one again to help clear my mind.


Weekly Action Items:

Cleaning session/ Declutter [alternate weeks] – this is part of my long term routine to look after the flat. After having a proper cleaning blitz in the end of March I hope to create more of a routine process to cleaning and make it smaller and easier to do.

Meal planning + meal prep: I am determined to make planning the weeks meals easier so this is on my tending list once more. I am looking into different meals and storage ideas to make cooking healthy meals easier.

Finance check-in – my regular budget check action and it’s on my tending list so that I don’t forget to regularly do this!

ABA Live session + FB Check in – this is my reminder to take part in weekly coaching live sessions and continue training.



Daily Action Items:

Journaling – I changed this from morning pages to journaling because in March I noticed that there were many days when I felt like I missed the window to journal if I didn’t do it first thing in the morning. We shall see how often I journal this month.

Prayer/Meditation – I’ve added this line because I want to spend time thinking about family and friends and wishing well for them. It’s about being present and not focusing on myself so much. With the business and hobbies I feel like a lot of my time is spend on thinking about me and so I’m experimenting with this idea of prayers for people I care about.

Strategy Session – I’m excited for this one. Since starting the business I’ve had a pretty fluid approach to day to day time management and this action item is about me implementing business hours and bring a lot more intentionality to how I spend my time and energy on the business. I don’t want to overthink or over plan but I want to see how I can structure my mind and days to move the needle further.

Money Mindset – this is a continuation from previous months where I focus on spending on things that are important and not impulse buying!

Blogilates session – I love exercise and so this is another continuation from previous months. I’m focusing on overall progress so if I exercise more than 50% of the month then that is a huge win! This month I’m experimenting with different YouTube workout videos and seeing what else I can mix into my daily workout. I still love Blogilates but would like to challenge myself and try new things too.

10 mins reading – this is connected to my TBR list goal which is now to read 10 books by the end of the year. In March I read before bedtime and didn’t think about books much during the day. Now I’m getting intentional about reading and not feeling guilty about it. Books also feed into my blog writing and coaching practice so it has a useful element to it. I read for fun and because reading is my hobby. If it becomes useful that is purely a bonus.

Tidy Desk/ wind down – this is something that I loved in my days of having a corporate job. It’s the process of tidying the table when finished with work. It makes the next day much easier as you always start with a clean slate literally! This also connects to my big goal of streamlining the flat as I want to remove excess clutter permanently!


And there you have it! My April tending list broken down.


What are some of your main action items for the month of April? Let me know in the comments or message me over on Instagram and let’s support each other!

Uma Mani-BabuComment