My June 2022 Tending List

I’m looking forward to a lot of things this month. Nothing too big, just lots of little things.

The above photo shows my June action items towards my big picture goals for 2022. The main things I’m excited for are:

  • Celebrating both my older brother’s birthday and my parents wedding anniversary it will be there 43rd wedding anniversary which just blows my mind. Family events always make my heart happy. Seeing all the people I love in one room will forever be my favourite thing.

  • Studying my own Human Design blueprint. I know my Human Design type but I’m curious to learn more and so I got a Blueprint book for my personality type from Erin Claire Jones (Order yours at the website here)

  • Champneys Spa with hubby – every year (well before the Pandemic) we go to the spa and take a few days to rest, refresh and recharge and it’s honestly one of my favourite things to do if I’m not spending time with family celebrating birthdays etc. Want to know some amazing things worth doing when you go to a spa? Wait for my next post as I will be talking all about Champneys and my top things to do.

As for the rest of the tending list I’ve kept it simple. The weekly and daily action items are about habit building such as finance check ins and drinking water. I’m working on consistency and maintaining momentum. There are ups and downs with all my weekly and daily items but when I track the progress, I find that I do the tasks more often than not when I’m actively tracking my progress. This is what I find important – aiming to get things done 60 to 70% of the time rather than 100% one month then 0% the next month. Averaging this means I’m consistently doing something small. Something will always be better than nothing!

For the decoration part I kept it colourful but didn’t add lots of stickers – just one banner at the top then one glitter vinyl sticker. For the encouraging words I used a quote from my own coach and it’s something that I love to remind myself of. What’s a favourite quote that always inspires you? The priority of ‘one step at a time’ is to remind myself to move forward and not get stuck in over-thinking.


I hope you’re excited for a new month and doing things that make you smile! Remember there is magic in every single day!

Uma Mani-BabuComment